Be part of our next supper club
Date: 06. Febuary 2020
Time: 20 h

Fresh things to taste you up
Beetroots baked in salt dough with lentil vinaigrette and first garden thyme
Main course
Salmon with Swiss chard emulsion and caramalised potatos
Just before the End
Cheese, cheese, cheese
Finish it with finest chocolate creations
Red or white wine
This menu includes white & red wine for 2 persons, a cocktail, coffee and water.
Price 55 Euro/Pers.
Attention: The displayed menu can vary due to the offer on the market. The reservation for this menu can only be made through my blog, all other dinners can be booked through eat If you have the desire to enjoy a menu especially designed for you, with your family or friends, please feel free to contact me.
